6:23 PM
Hari Om
In the course of the pravachan last Thursday, which was the last pravachan of the year 2006, P.P. Bapu spoke about the change that would be introduced in the coming new year. All the bhaktas were naturally very eager to know what it would be. Everything seemed to go on as usual and like other Thursdays, which heightened the bhaktas’ curiosity. P.P. Bapu’s pravachan too was as wonderful as ever.
The pravachan was followed by the aarati of Shreesaibaba. That day however, instead of proceeding towards His rest room, P.P. Bapu walked straight to the area, appointed for the offering of the Udd. He was followed by P.P. Nandamata and P.P. Suchitdada. P.P. Bapu and then P.P. Nanadamata and P.P. Suchitdada too offered the Udd. All the bhaktas present then offered their namaskar to P.P. Shreeaniruddha, in fact Shreenarayan, P.P. Nandamata, in fact Mahalakshmi and P.P. Suchitdada, in fact Mahashesha. P.P. Bapu then turned to proceed towards His rest room.
All volunteers then immediately set about their task. The life-size cut-outs of P.P. Bapu, P.P. Nandamata and P.P. Suchitdada were brought to the ‘Lotaangana area’. With these cut-outs, also arrived the Impressions of the Feet (the Charanmudra) of this Divine Triad.
It is only thanks to the request of the great bhakta P.P. Sameerdada’s request that these Impressions could be procured for us bhaktas. Besides, it is when we bhaktas actually get to see and to touch these ‘Impressions’ (the Charanmudra) that we get to experience the love and grace of the Feet of our dear Sadguru.
These are not words of just any declaration; this is His, P.P. Bapu’s promise, His Word of Honour, His pledge, as True as Him. So, it follows that nobody, just no other being is capable of loving us as much as He does and in a manner that He does.
The Bhakta, who offers himself in complete and indubitable, absolute faith at the Feet of Shreeaniruddha, is rid of all of the three kinds of suffering. He does it, He, the ‘charanaashritatritaapahara’.
Bhaktas may avail of this beautiful opportunity of offering their pranaam by actually touching these ‘Impressions’ (the Charanmudra) every Thursday in the Lotaangana area. Bhaktas may offer a string of the ‘Tripurari Trivikram Emblems’, made from the Ramnaam book. Lighting the ‘sudeep’, they may then offer Udd as also the ‘svechhaasankalpa’ here. What and how much to offer at the time of doing the svechhaasankalpa as also what and how much to offer after the fulfilment of the resolve will remain the discretion of the bhakta.
As P.P. Bapu took his seat on the dais, P.P. Sameerdada, respected Paurassinh, respected Swapnilsinh and other bhaktas reached the ‘lotaangana area’. All then offered the ‘lotaangana’ proclaimimng loudly ‘Nandaaramanaa Aniruddhaa Aniruddhaa....Aniruddhaa’. P.P. Sameerdada, respected Paurassinh and respected Swapnilsinh then touching their forehead to the ‘Charanmudra’, offered the Tripurari Trivikram Emblems at the Feet (the Charanmudra) of P.P. Bapu. P.P. Nandamata and P.P.Suchitdada.
The present Pipadada, Shree Appasaheb Dabholkar too offered the Tripurari Trivikram Emblems, touching his forehead to the Charanmudra.
Then respected Paurassinh and respected Swapnilsinh too offered the Udd along with P.P. Sameerdada.
Huge crowds of bhaktas waited in long, winding queues until late at night, around the Lotaangana area.Bhaktas offered as per their wish, but with faith and love, the Tripurari Trivikram Emblems.
The photograph of ‘Aadya Pipadada Shree Sureshsinh Dattopadhye’ was kept in the satsanga area.
Some bhaktas were lighting the ‘sudeep’ while some were seen offering the Udd some distance away.
The ambience was charged with great positive energy and bhakti. Bhaktas made their resolve, offering their prayers to their dear Sadguru. Recalling this great bhakta to their minds, bhaktas immersed themselves in bhakti and love.The hearts of all the bhaktas seemed to echo the one sentiment, ‘param jane aniruddha, tava anusaranam klesgaharanam.
The darshan of the Sadguru, the pradakshina, touching the forehead to the Charanmudra, offering the Tripurari Trivikram Emblems, Lighting the sudeep, offering the Udd and the Udi, which is always available, readily and free of cost are all meant for the protection and progress of the bhakta.
This sacred ganga of pure compassion has streamed right to our doorstep. Our purushartha now lies in immersing ourselves in it and becoming pure.
Hari Om
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