Trees are natures air conditioners. In one year the average tree inhales 26 pounds of carbon dioxide, the amount emitted by a car on an 11,000 mile trip. This same tree will in turn exhale enough oxygen to keep a family of 4 breathing for a year. Your trees treat the carbon dioxide they take in. The foliage uses the carbon in the gas to make sugars and starches. The leftover oxygen is released back into the air. We could not sit here today and breathe the clean air we are breathing without our trees. Trees are the greatest collectors of the suns energy. All energy comes from the sun and our trees collect and store more of it than anything else in the world. The benefits of trees can be divided into two general areas. Direct benefits, such as cool from shade or increased property value and indirect benefits. Indirect benefits impact you, the tree owner and the community in real, but less tangible ways. In fact, indirect benefits from trees are more numerous
than direct benefits. These benefits include filtration and absorption of air pollutants, reduced storm water run off, storing of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and beneficial impact on the general quality of life. Perhaps the greatest contribution our trees make is an emotional one. People who live in cities brighten up at the site of a tree, the scrawniest saplings challenging the concrete. Silently in our minds they rise as symbols of stability, dignity, adventure, comfort and knowledge. Maybe we should stop for a moment and wonder how many trees will be left for our children and grandchildren.
Importance and reasons why they must exist
1.trees make effective sond barriers
2.trees produce oxygen .
3.trees become carbon sink.
4.trees clean the air.
5.trees shade and cool
6.trees act as wind breakers
7.trees fight soil erosion.
8.trees increase property values
9.trees slow running water
This is a very important project in our AADM role .....this is nothing but for our own good ..this plantation project is nothing but protecting ourself from bad consequences that we ourself are responsible .. as we have seen above trees help us in so many ways but today we instead of planting nature tree are planting concrete trees which is 108 % forming bad consequences. . IMAGINE We every one of us atleast do 1 tree plantation then we are on ...
today on the occasion of world envoirment day we must all try to decide that i will try and plant atleast on tree ..... Our sadguru bapu himself has also told us regards of the importance of plants and trees.... since bapu himself has told us we must all realise how important these plants and tress are for us...these plants are also the soldiers of our mission ramrajya so its our duty to protect them .....
Soumitra, Soumitrivastal, from Sumitra –Soumitra and from Soumitra Soumitrivastal and this Soumitrivastal protects my Mukh. We have seen this Mukh’s one aspect that Bhav of Najar. We have also seen how this Soumitrivastal protects my Najar and Bhav of my Najar in last discourse (05.05.2005). But it is more important to know what we achieve and how we achieve that by looking at the feet of Lakshmana, Seeta and Ram. There is big difference in a thing we do blindly or unknowingly and thing we do after knowing about it. BAPU explained that you have been taught to write A, B, C, D etc. But no one taught you that A is A and B is B, they only showed you how to write alphabet or that letter by drawing. So you know diagrams of A, B, C and D but if you don’t know A stands for A then you can’t read letters like A, B, C and D, because you only know these as signs. Thus even some one teaches me all the alphabets from A to Z, but he didn’t teach me what should be called as what, then they are as only as signs or indications or diagrams for me, I can’t make their proper use. Similarly in this Bhaktimarg also whatever I do, I must know that properly first. BAPU emphasized that that’s why HE always says that Bhaktimarg is not job of a man who does not use his brain. Bhaktimarg is a work of an intelligent man. BAPU clearly told here that intelligent doesn’t mean that a man should hold degrees like MA. or PH.D. There are lakhs of people of Varkari Sampraday who were farmers and staying in village who don’t know even how to read A, B, C, D, but still they were intelligent and knowledgeable. They were having more information that how is their GOD (DEO)?
Today we have to see second meaning of Mukh which is very important from this point of view. The second meaning of Mukh is the mouth consisting of tongue, teeth and 2 lips with which we eat. There are 2 uses of mouth – one for talking and another for eating/taking food inside. One is for accepting action and one is for creating action. Tongue in the mouth is indispensable factor. If tongue speaks beyond limit then teeth are in danger. We see people threaten or warn that if one more word comes then they will break our teeth. See here tongue is doing crime and teeth have to bear or face difficulty. So who has to suffer in spite of story of some one else? Our life passes this way. Due to greediness of this tongue we eat excessive or drink excessive and our body has to suffer from all the bad effects. We speak with help of tongue and eat with help of teeth. But if the same teeth eat our lips then tongue is not sufferer. But is there any rule like if we catch some one’s part with our teeth then only he will have pains and if we catch our part we will not get pains? No, even if you bite your own tongue with your teeth, you will get hurt. You will get wound on your tongue. Here I should understand that as I use my mouth for others the same way I use same mouth for me also. My teeth can bite my tongue as well as others similarly my tongue can be bitten by others. I taste with my tongue and similarly others taste me with help of my tongue. Remember this thing that I taste food with my tongue but others taste me with my tongue. This does not have bad meaning that they lick my body. Here it means people realize/judge me from the words I utter with my tongue or I talk. This is very important thing that how we use our tongue. We keep on talking though others don’t want to listen us. What we like to hear? We like to hear others abuses, gossips, secrets we like the most. But more we like to talk. We keep on talking at house, in neighbors, at office with colleagues. Even we talk with persons traveling with us during journey of 4 hours. Bapu narrated one story of a grandmother who wanted to keep her mouth shut in front of strangers while she was traveling in a bus. But some how stranger could manage to make grandmother talk about her family. She was scared that some day some one will kidnap her beautiful grand daughter who has completed her B.A and for whom the family is searching a proper match. But unknowingly she told stranger the whole story. Finally when she reached home, she knew her granddaughter ran away with some one. After 6 months the family came to know that the person was same stranger whom granny met in the bus and described the entire story. Bapu again narrated second story which was told for many times by HIM. A man was having 4 daughters and all 4 were stammering (not able to speak properly). Some how he managed to bring one man so that at least one can get married. He warned all 4 daughters not to speak in front of him. But when meal was served and the man started praising about vegetable prepared, first daughter spoke. To tease her about her fault that father has warned not to talk, second daughter talked and third daughter talked to tease second one and so on. Thus all 4 daughters spoke.
BAPU said we are like either that old woman or these daughters. With first story we knew that we make our own loss by speaking imaginary bad things. From second story we realized that we become harmful for ourselves by speaking those things which we should not speak about ourselves. So we have to call Ram, Soumitrivastal Ram to protect our Mukh. This Mukh has always troubled me a lot. 10 or 20 or 25 beggars ran to you when a car or vehicle stops at a signal in Mumbai. They touch your body, shirt or blouse and ask for money, if you don’t pay them then they abuse. First I should ask this question that why so many beggars are found in India ? Why maximum nos. of beggars is seen in India ? It is because maximum no. of foolish people stay in India . BAPU said that remember this thing that you are also counted in that. But I am (BAPU) alone not counted in those foolish ones because I never give any thing to any one.
We think that our religious nature means to throw some flowers on God in the temple and distribute some money like 25 paisa, 50 paisa to beggars who are sitting outside the temple. We think we will gain Punya by donating to beggars, but no you will get sins in your account. You should first understand that they have become beggars because you offer alms (Bhiksha) to them. There is purchaser of some thing hence there is a seller. We see advertisement on Television about Nature-friend that child tells his father that doesn’t buy skin of tiger; there is a seller because you are purchasing that thing from him. If no one exists to purchase the skin of tiger then tiger won’t be killed. Similarly I should understand that if no donor exists then there won’t be beggars too. Man should think that do I use my mouth to ask for alms like beggars use their mouths for begging. Every one sitting here should think that have I begged for any time? Have I become beggar some time? When I have begged? I should think about it. We keep on asking for some thing even in the doors of Parmeshwar we beg. We must know that there is no need to ask for alms or beg at Parmeshwar. There is no need of pleading or requesting. But there is need of Prayer. But still we keep on asking at Parmeshwar. We should understand meaning of begging. Begging means asking for that thing for which I am not capable. Begging means my capacity or capability is not for that thing and still I ask for same thing. Parmeshwar gives me more than what I am able for, because it is never essential to beg at Parmeshwar. In SAISACCHARIT, SAIBABA shouts at Deo. HE became furious at Deo, HE hits him. Saibaba quarrels with Deo and asks him why he is stealing torn clothes
( Chindhi) when HE is ready to give him a costly Shela weaved with Jari. We have read Sai-Saccharit for thousand times, but we could not realize that why we should steal torn clothes when Parmeshwar is able to provide us with rich clothes. We should think that do we use our mouth for begging. Where we do not beg? We always beg at Parmeshwar. Husband and wife beg at each other. I know you all will be angry with me that BAPU is calling us beggars. BAPU said I don’t care at all that you are angry with me.
Husband has some expectations from his wife and wife has some expectations from her husband and there is nothing wrong in that. But I should think that how much expectations of the man in front of me I complete or fulfill in comparison with my expectations from him or her? Why I don’t behave such that man in front of me should not ask or expect any thing from me? BAPU explained that we think that there is right on each other when we become husband and wife. BAPU said Yes! there you go wrong that you think you have right on others. It is not right. BAPU said RAJANO! There is no right in real Love. There is no taking only giving exists in real Love. There is no asking in Real Love. The true love of husband and wife means they don’t ask from each other , they keep on giving to each other.
BAPU explained all the women that women may complain to Him that if they don’t ask for a Sari to their husbands, husbands will not give them Sari for 10 years. BAPU said that He is not saying about Sari. He said RAJANO! You are asking with love some thing from him and that is separate issue. But when husband expects that his wife should behave in such way and wife expects her husband should behave in such way and these are expectations. Every time I think my partner should behave in such way. Women think that their husbands should behave like hare in the house and become tiger in external materialistic world. Then it is not possible. BAPU said He will be tiger inside the house that is tiger at outside the house. Thus Bapu said we have wrong expectations means we beg from others. Instead of this you just love others. You have lost your habit of loving to others. BAPU said RAJANO! There is no use of other things than use of tongue and Bhav in eyes while loving others. We may not realize Bhav in eyes some times, but we will surely know Bhav of words uttered by tongue. We know one sentence can be pronounced with different Bhav. I pronounce this with different Bhav of tongue.
BAPU said one sentence with different Bhav –
Ramesh has gone to see movie. (plain sentence )
Ramesh has gone to see a movie! (surprise)
Ramesh has gone to see a movie?
Then why we can’t use our tongue while expressing love. Husband and wife quickly use their tongue to express their anger. Mother and father while talking with children, or children behaving with mother and father use their tongue quickly when they become angry without thinking at all. We say go into hale, you have made my life miserable. BAPU said why you people talk bad words, even on a simple occasion. Why you use your tongue to say bad words ? I should use my mouth, my tongue, my Vani (Speech) for expressing love. BAPU said who says don’t quarrel at all? There is no fun if quarrels are not there. But after quarreling with each other I should forget my anger within half an hour and while quarreling also I should know that I am fighting or quarreling with whom. We should first of all understand that husband is quarreling with his wife or vise versa, father is quarreling with daughter or son, means we are not quarreling with our enemies. Even our tongue takes lot of time to utter the word LOVE.BAPU said last time I told you that say SHIV, SHIV when you become angry for 10 times. But we can’t say SHIV , SHIV for 10 times because before saying SHIV for first time, we abuse. But when I ask to LOVE, instead of 10 times even I say SHIV for 1000 times, I can’t love. We think love means when any one in family is sick with fever then don’t switch on the fan or apply Vicks or any balm on forehead, offer tea, do this and do that or cry loudly when some one is dead. BAPU said this not LOVE but it is drama of LOVE, it is a scene of LOVE.
When I bring a very big cake on my son’s birthday, I offer costly return gifts to invitees, I offer party in big hotel to 100 people, all such things don’t reflect your love for your son. I can say I love my son only when your love is on your lips as well as in your stomach and my anger is only on my lips. Husband-wife, mother-father, father-son are such relations where anger should not enter in stomach. Anger should come on lips and end on lips only. It should not enter in stomach. We take lot of time to utter word LOVE. But we say bitter words quickly. BAPU said HE told last time that SUMITRA is the power to say “NO”. But you have the evil power to say “NO”. People have habit to say NO at first point. Husband returns home in a jolly mood and asks wife to come with him for a walk but she refuses as she has some other work or she wants to see a TV Serial. BAPU said why you say NO at first word. First listen what he or she wants to tell you. When son wants to tell some thing to father, father says NO in first word. First you listen what others wants to tell you and then decide whether to say No or not.
We never learn to say NO where it is required and we say NO when it is not required. Thus table of life keeps on passing. See, how wrong use we are making of our tongue? So really Ram must run to save our Mukh. VALMIKI said MARA, MARA instead of RAM, RAM but RAM protected whole VALMIKI and washed off all his sins. Ram is such loving one that He will surely save us even though we speak opposite like Valmiki.
BAPU said there are rumors in villages that a ghost or Saitan(demon) or Brahmasamndha or Hadal (whose legs are reverse and mouth is opposite) exists in some places. BAPU said such things do not exist but they are our imaginations of mind. BAPU said if RAJANO any such Hadal exists then that is your tongue, whose legs are reverse and mouth is opposite. That means blind’s walk. It is better that we have eyes in the direction which we walk. We see that we require a mirror while taking car in reverse gears. If mirror is not there I can’t take vehicle in reverse gears. We don’t have eyes at our back. We have to turn our neck in back direction to see. That means my feet should be in direction of my Najar or my Najar should be in direction of feet and the tongue does not have this thing. Tongue does not have eyes. So our tongue speaks that thing which we don’t want to say. It goes in that direction which we don’t want to go. So Ram is required to protect our Mukh means our Tongue.
Tongue does one more job which we can’t imagine. We see cow, buffaloes, dogs lick their own body with their tongue and clean their body. Animals at least do job of cleaning their own body. But the man uses same tongue for cleaning others bad things. The man cleans others body with his own tongue. Remember when we say false things about others or insult others that time we eat dirt of their body. First of all we do have more dirt of our own life and then we collect dirt of others in our life. We know what pigs eat. Pigs eat excreta of others but they don’t eat excreta of other pigs. But man eats his own excreta. BAPU said RAJANO! Remember I am telling from bottom of heart that when you say false things about others, you gossip, you insult others that become harmful dangerous for your own life and from that you create biggest sins. These things you don’t know. But apart from whether you know or not know that thing does its work. BAPU explained this fact with an example. HE said suppose a wife is standing on first floor and you are sitting on the ground, then suppose a pot fell down from her hands then what will happen? Whether that pot is purposely dropped by her on you or whether it falls unknowingly, the result will be the same. I should know that other job is not possible. So I should not enter in such circumstances. We don’t control our tongue. We keep on talking bad things about others like vomit, which is wrong. So for that control we want Ram and how is this Ram? HE is Soumitrivastal Ram. Why is HE Soumitrivastal? He is Soumitrivastal because UCHIT USE of TONGUE & SPEECH is characteristic of Lakshmana. Lakshmana’s characteristic is UCHIT USE of SPEECH because he has used his SPEECH only for RAM. Only this Lakshmana has used his speech only for Ram. In entire Ramayana, we see Lakshmana speaks very rare, even though he always accompanies Ram or he is one feet ahead of Ram. Tulsidas has very beautifully described how Ram, Seeta and Lakshmana walk. Seeta follows Ram and Lakshmana follows Seeta so that no wild animal can attack from back. Seetamai’s wish that Her feet should not overlap Ram’s feet and hence she puts her feet in between 2 feet of Ram. Now Lakshmana becomes awkward because he does not want to keep His feet on feet of Ram and Seeta. Lakshmana either puts his feet before or after these 4 feet, so think how great exercise Lakshmana is doing. This Soumitra, Lakshmana has this power of using UCHIT at every place. He uses this Speech (VACHA) for speaking very limited things. He never speaks unwanted or waste things. The very important thing is that He is basically SHESHA and Shesha has Anant (indefinite) tongues. Shesha has One SAHASTRA Mukh (1000) Mukh and 2 SAHASTRA Tongues. But remember though He has 2000 tongues, he talks very rarely. But how much do we speak even we have only one tongue. Lakshmana speaks rarely even he has strength of 2000 tongues but we common petty men speak thousands times more than Lakshmana.
An important thing is that Shesha always sings VISHNUSAHASTRANAM. That means his 2000 tongues only pronounce SAHASTRANAM. But our only tongue pronounces indefinite other things. Here we will realize why Soumitrivastal Ram should come to protect our Mukh and no one else is of our use. Only this Shesha knows UCHIT USE of this tongue and no one else knows. This Lakshmana only knows how to put next feet. BAPU said it is not that simple that Lakshmana don’t put his feet on Ram and Seeta’s feet while walking through forest. Seeta’s entire world lies in 2 feet of Ram. Seeta’s world is the only space between 2 feet of Ram and Lakshmana’s world starts from feet of Ram and Seeta and progresses. So the feet spreading all over the world from the feet of Ram and Seeta are the feet of Lakshmana. Seeta’s feet take us inside of Ram’s feet. So our tongue’s direction should be like Lakshmana. The work of tongue should start from the feet of ram and should be immersed in the Anant Roopa of Ram. We should be able to chant Ram, Seeta and Lakshmana’s name and while chanting His name one day we should melt in His name. But this thing never happens with us. We can not walk like Lakshmana because we wash off or clean off the indications of the feet of Ram and Seeta in our life and we walk as we wish and hence we face problem. So we want Soumitrivastal Ram to save us, to protect us. Lakshmana is the one who starts his life from the feet of Ram and He remains balance after covering Ram and Seeta too. So who should protect our Mukh? Soumitrivastal Ram should protect our Mukh.
We read in books that there are 4 types of Jap. One is murmured within mouth, second is spoken loudly so that people can hear, third is within the mouth when tongue is moving and lips are not moving and the fourth is within the mind where tongue is also not moving. The greatest JAP is the one where tongue does not move and within the mind. However we try we find that tongue moves when we say jap. But important thing of all is that that NAMSMARAN is the best where even tongue does not move. The same thing should happen in our life. That moment is great when our tongue will not move. We should stop talking with tongue then slowly slowly talking with mind will be stopped. This does not mean that you should be always become dumb. But we should speak where it is required and should not speak where it is not required. BAPU said He is telling from bottom of His heart that doesn’t speak. His life can become better who learns to use his tongue in better way. You hurt a man with your tongue is that much that you can’t hurt a man with 10 Brahmastra. But Parmeshwar remembers only those things which you speak without moving your tongue. So the thoughts which come in our mind without movement of tongue reach Parmeshwar quickly. So when a bad though comes to mind and not pronounced then also it reaches to Parmeshwar. Without moving my tongue I may not hurt people, but I can make Parmeshwar sad because He always knows what we are doing. A common brain of common intelligence knows within a fraction of a second the orders sent by brain and received by brain. Then how much time Parmeshwar will take to know that? It is not even 1/1000 times of a 1/10th second’s time. The moment we thought it reaches to HIM. He may not speak but we know His stick does not make sound then he may be who so ever. We should learn a lesson from Krishna ’s Charitra (autobiography) that Krishna sank that Dwarka which HE HIMSELF has established. This is HIS POWER and STRENGTH. He established them in Dwarka far from Mathura and gave them whatever they wanted. But when He noticed that they are behaving wrongly then very calmly and peacefully He dropped them and then He went to His own NIJDHAM. That means establishment of Dwarka was a game at His finger tip and the same of immersing of Dwarka too. We should understand that there is nothing that we should have fear about Krishna . BAPU said remember we never asked this question to our mind that was Krishna happy when He immersed Dwarka, which was established by HIM, HIS own hands, whose every brick was golden and whose citizens were His own people, was HE happy while they were sinking? Bapu asked tell me was HE devil or demon. BAPU again said remember that Krishna immersed Dwarka but He never immersed Gokul. He always stays in Gokul. It is our decision that whether we want to stay in Gokul or Golden Dwarka. So great devotee (MEENATAI) left us telling that NAKO DWARKAECHE HIRE….. We don’t want HIRE (diamonds) of Dwarka, but even cow dung of Gokul is of our benefits. But we sit peacefully in Dwarka. Bapu said remember that Krishna is GOKULADHISH and not Dwarkadhish. He never became king of Dwarka. BAPU said think how much Krishna was sad when He was immersing that Dwarka. We will sink if we stay in Dwarka and make this thought firm. So it is better to stay in Krishna ’s Gokul , there may not be Wealth of Dwarka but remember that there is greatest wealth of the world that SAKSHAT KRISHNA stays there. Gokul is such a place where you will not get sad and sorrows for name sake also. We have to decide whether we want to live in Gokul or Dwarka. Any one can say that I will behave like Dwarka and stay in Gokul then it is not possible at all and that is never possible. So we must know that Bhagvanta knows each and every thing and hence GOKUL is GOKUL and Dwarka is Dwarka. So it all depends on our tongue which speaks and which does not speak and how we make use of it. When we go in dense forest at night and no one is seen in surrounding area then quickly RAM NAM comes from our mukh and it keeps on coming till we reach safer place in village. So either due to greediness (LOBH) or due to fear I chant RAM NAM. But when once this SAI gives me some thing what I wanted, I stop HIS NAM until second time comes when I require some thing again. Our tongue is not ready to say SAI, SAI again and again and hence I require Ram to protect it. Animals live only for LOBH and due to fear. If being a man also we are doing same things then what is difference between animals and man? When we say Ram protect our tongue means Ram protect my HUMANITY and destroy my animal nature. My tongue separates me from my prana. No other animal has capacity to talk; only man can talk. Soumitrivastal Ram should protect my Mukh and HE must burn my animal nature to ashes. If I want to protect my Humanity then I must protect my Mukh. This tongue is the one which takes me either to Humanity or to animal nature (PASHUTVA). But we don’t realize this. Any good or bad thing happens as per its rules.
How Ram protects our Humanity? We don’t prefer to stay alone. Man always likes company of others. I can’t stay alone. If I stay alone for a month I feel I will become mad. But Saint always stay alone and don’t become mad because they are never alone. Their Parmatma stays with them. Our Parmatma is not with us and hence we feel we are alone. This loneliness harasses us. But even when we are amongst 100 people, we feel alone. We should understand that one man can become support for other man. But we don’t become support for others. Your life gives support to others and not your hands. Remember tongue can give the support which on one else can provide. So one and half month old child sleeps when he listens song from his mother. That time this tongue gives him support. We should think that how many times we have used our tongue to give support to others? I may not be able to support financially to others but I can support them with my tongue. But we can’t give even that support. So we also don’t get support because we don’t give support to others. When a man is depressed in depression from all 4 directions and one word of support comes that though I may not help you in any way but I will be with you any time, I will try to help you at the best of mine then remember this word of love gives support. A son has failed in examination and father bits him but mother’s one word that though she can’t teach him, she will make tea when he is burning mid night oil for studies calms that son. We don’t try to support other’s life so that Parmatma can’t become support of our life. If I want to provide support to others then I must take support of my tongue.
Remember Lakshmana was support of all whether he is monkey or he is citizen or she is Kaustalya mother or she is Janaki Mata. Even for Vashishtha Mooni or Bharata or Shatrughna, or Hanumanta, Lakshmana gave them support with his tongue. Where is my Humanity? My humanity is not in staying like KALAP. I should use my tongue to maintain human relation with other man and same tongue I have to use to create relation with Parmeshwar. I must properly say HIS prayer, HIS NAM, and being a man is I should behave with other groups of man like a group. Since RIGVEDA, SAMUHIK UPASANA were performed. These UPASANA teach us how one man should behave with other man, how two men can behave without making crowd like a society. We behave like many deer’s ran away when a tiger comes to catch his prey. We should think that why we can’t behave like human with other human? We don’t stay in a society we stay in a Kalap like deer’s. this Soumitrivastal Ram protects that relation of a man with other man which ends his own aloneness. Ram himself has followed every responsibility of a Society. Every relation He has lived like a MARYADA PURUSHOTTAM. He behaved in same way to kaikayi and Sumitra as He behaved with Kaustalya. He behaved equally with Lakshmana and Bharata and Shatrughna. He never made separation in rich and poor in his citizens. Ram never broke off His own Rules even for HIMSELF. Thus Ram teaches us what to do and what should not be done, and in such situations what He does is Dharma. BAPU said don’t make Him too small by saying HE is not following Dharma. Following a Dharma is for us. Dharma is that thing which HE does then our Buddhi will remain stable. Human’s humanity will become stable here. Ram knows who is VALI and who is SUGREEVA in SAMUHIK UPASANA. He knows it very well that who is BHEEMA and who is DURYODHANA? And if time comes HE knows how to decide Dharma and how to utilize Dharma and how to reestablish Dharma. You don’t think about it. You have to decide whether you want to stand in Duryodhana’s side or Krishna ’s Side. Krishna has warned and indicated to every one. But no one listened to HIM and every indication HE had made with tongue only. HE has clearly said in VAIKHARI VANI and not through AAKASHVANI. HE always gives us clear indications and with tongue only through Vani only and then we must follow HIS VANI as per HIS indications. We may not be able to read VEDA, and then also nothing harms us. Tukaram maharaj said he understood only that much after reading VEDA that one should chant VITTHOBA’S NAME. Tukoba never expected anything from any one. RAMDAS told to chant RAMNAM. Remember Ram was not beggar. He was King, Prince, and Krishna too was Prince, they could have become great King. But they have directed Dharma. So they will never advise us to become beggar. But it is our responsibility to behave like them. Why AVTAR (incarnation) take place? We should understand that we don’t know how we should behave and to teach us and to show us and to guide us by holding our hands, Incarnation takes place. SAI came and SAI went. HARI came and HARI went. But have you improved? Remember we must carefully make use of RAM, KRISHNA and SAI. So first we should maintain relation of one man with other man with this tongue and we should protect this support and to protect this support we have to do SAMUHIK UPASANA. While doing UPASANA, even my enemy is sitting next to me, he is praying to the same Parmeshwar, so Parmeshwar will see to give better to both of us and I should always remember this thing. Parmatma can make both happy simultaneously, which a man can’t do. When a man does SAMUHIK UPASANA, his mind’s BHAV reaches to Parmeshwar. Every one should follow MARYADA like PRABHU RAMCHANDRA. And for this HEY! SOUMITRIVASTAL RAM, and RAM who loved Lakshmana, You get my MARYADA followed by me, because You are MARYADA PURUSHOTTAM.
This is most definitely worth reading. Amazing when you think what
we were taught to do when we were children. How wrong they were!!
by Larry Linn for MAA Safety Committee brief on 13/4/04.
My name is Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of
the American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the world's most
experienced rescue team. The information in this article will save
lives in an earthquake. I have crawled inside 875 collapsed
buildings, worked with rescue teams from 60 countries, founded rescue teams in several countries, and I am a member of many rescue teams from many countries. I was the United Nations expert in Disaster Mitigation for two years. I have worked at every major disaster in the world since 1985, except for simultaneous disasters.
In 1996 we made a film which proved my survival methodology to be
correct. The Turkish Federal Government, City of Istanbul, University of Istanbul Case Productions and ARTI cooperated to film this practical, scientific test. We collapsed a school and a home with 20 mannequins inside. Ten mannequins did "duck and cover," and ten mannequins I used in my "triangle of life" survival method. After the simulated earthquake collapse we crawled through the rubble and entered the building to film and document the results. The film, in which I practiced my survival techniques under directly observable, scientific conditions, relevant to building collapse, showed there would have been zero percent survival for those doing duck and cover. There would likely have been 100 percent survivability for people using my method of the "triangle of life." This film has been seen by millions of viewers on television in Turkey and the rest of Europe, and it was seen in the USA, Canada and Latin America on the TV program Real TV.
The first building I ever crawled inside of was a school in Mexico
City during the 1985 earthquake. Every child was under their desk.
Every child was crushed to the thickness of their bones. They could
have survived by lying down next to their desks in the aisles. It was obscene,unnecessary and I wondered why the children were not in the aisles. I didn't at the time know that the children were told to hide under something. Simply stated, when buildings collapse, the weight of the ceilings falling upon the objects or furniture inside crushes these objects, leaving a space or void next to them. This space is what I call the "triangle of life". The larger the object, the stronger, the less it will compact. The less the object compacts, the larger the void, the greater the probability that the person who is using this void for safety will not be injured.
The next time you watch collapsed buildings, on television, count
the "triangles" you see formed. They are everywhere. It is the most
common shape, you will see, in a collapsed building. They are
1) Most everyone who simply "ducks and covers" WHEN BUILDINGS
COLLAPSE, are crushed to death. People who get under objects, like
desks or cars, are crushed.
2) Cats, dogs and babies often naturally curl up in the fetal
position. You should too in an earthquake. It is a natural
safety/survival instinct. You can survive in a smaller void. Get
next to an object, next to a sofa, next to a large bulky object that
will compress slightly but leave a void next to it.
3) Wooden buildings are the safest type of construction to be in
during an earthquake. Wood is flexible and moves with the force of
the earthquake. If the wooden building does collapse, large survival
voids are created. Also, the wooden building has less concentrated,
crushing weight. Brick buildings will break into individual bricks.
Bricks will cause many injuries but less squashed bodies than
concrete slabs.
4) If you are in bed during the night and an earthquake occurs,
simply roll off the bed. A safe void will exist around the bed.
Hotels can achieve a much greater survival rate in earthquakes,
simply by posting a sign on the back of the door of every room
telling occupants to lie down on the floor, next to the bottom of the
bed during an earthquake.
5) If an earthquake happens and you cannot easily escape by getting
out the door or window, then lie down and curl up in the fetal
position next to a sofa, or large chair.
6) Most everyone who gets under a doorway when buildings collapse is
killed. How? If you stand under a doorway and the doorjamb falls
forward or backward you will be crushed by the ceiling above. If the
door jam falls sideways you will be cut in half by the doorway. In
either case, you will be killed!
7) Never go to the stairs. The stairs have a different "moment of
frequency" (they swing separately from the main part of the
building). The stairs and remainder of the building continuously bump
into each other until structural failure of the stairs takes place.
The people who get on stairs before they fail are chopped up by the
stair treads - horribly mutilated. Even if the building doesn't
collapse, stay away from the stairs. The stairs are a likely part of
the building to be damaged. Even if the stairs are not collapsed by
the earthquake, they may collapse later when overloaded by fleeing
people. They should always be checked for safety, even when the rest
of the building is not damaged.
8) Get Near the Outer Walls Of Buildings Or Outside Of Them If
Possible - It is much better to be near the outside of the building
rather than
the interior. The farther inside you are from the outside perimeter
of the building the greater the probability that your escape route
will be
9) People inside of their vehicles are crushed when the road above
falls in an earthquake and crushes their vehicles; which is exactly
happened with the slabs between the decks of the Nimitz Freeway. The
victims of the San Francisco earthquake all stayed inside of their
vehicles. They were all killed. They could have easily survived by
getting out and sitting or lying next to their vehicles. Everyone
killed would have survived if they had been able to get out of their
cars and sit or lie next to them. All the crushed cars had voids 3
feet high next to them, except for the cars that had columns fall
directly across them.
10) I discovered, while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper
offices and other offices with a lot of paper, that paper does not
compact. Large voids are found surrounding stacks of paper.
Gokulashtami (the birth day of Lord Shree Krishna)?
What is the importance of this pooja?
Much before the birth of Lord Shree Krishna, there were two rishi
bhaktas namely Muchkunda & Kadamb. When they got the news that Lord
Shree Krishna is taking the birth on earth, they decided to serve
for their lord and they will also take the birth in the form of
trees near to the bank of Yamuna river to give shadow to their
beloved god.
After that both these trees got the blessing from Radha that the
bhakta who will offer the round (Pradakshina) to these trees on the
Gokulashtami then that bhakta will gain the power to create the
happiness in his life and his life will get filled up with full of
So BAPU has asked us to worship this MUCHKUNDA VRUKSHA (TREE) and
To get rid off our chains of worries (SHRUNKHALA) we have to call
RADHA MATA from bottom of our heart . So we make GAJAR before the
birth of Lord Krishna (before 12.00 p.m. midnight) as
and after the birth we call HIM by His present birth's name and make
So do come to Mahim Upasana Centre's Vardhapan Din Sohala where we
can make Pradakshina to MUNCHKUNDA TREE and get rid off the past
birth's SHRUNKHALA so that we can surrender at HIS and only HIS FEET
On this day we can also chant SHRI KRISHNA CHATUSHTAY MANTRA which BAPU had given us.
1. In the morning-
2. In the afternoon -
3. In the evening-
4. In the night before the birth
If one forget these names then through out the day you can chant
only OM NAMO BHAGVATE ANIRUDDHAY which also gives equal merits of
saying all 4 MANTRAS.

How to Reach श्री क्षेत्र जुएनगर नवी मुंबई
Your Route Guide
Mode of Travel | Route to follow |
By Train From CST Mumbai | Trains are available on Harbour Line of Central Railway from CST Mumbai. Trains destinated for CBD Belapur & Panvel can be Boarded at CST Mumbai or any other station on Harbour Line (e.g. Masjid Bunder, Sandhurst Road (Upper), Cotton Green, Sewree, Ray Road, Wadala, Guru Teg Bahadur Singh, Chunabhatti, Kurla, Tilaknagar, Chembur, Govandi, Mankhurd, Vashi, Sanpada |
By Train from Mumbai Central | It is advisable to go to Churchgate Station. Then hire a taxi for CST Mumbai. Thereafter follow the route from CST Mumbai given above. |
By Train from Dadar | It is advisable to go to Wadala Station by Taxi and then to board Harbour Line train for Belapur (BR) or Panvel (P) |
The Stotra which removes awful (frightful) hurtful difficulties.
Hey Lord of Lords, Shri Datta ! Shri Pada / Shri Vallabha ! one who
only likes Bhakti, and who has good fame - you always protect us.
* Save us (deliver us, rescue us, extricate us) from awful, (hurtful,
painful) difficulties. We bow down unto you.
Hey Aprabho ! (one who has no God above, one who is God himself,
highest authority). One who is Vishva murte (entire universe is whose
form), you are our mother, father, owner, relatives and Sadguru. You
only sustain us and look after our daily activities and well being
(Yogakshema). You are everything for us, hence
* Save us (deliver us, rescue us, extricate us) from awful, (hurtful,
painful) difficulties. We bow down unto you.
Hey Ishwara, you immediately deliver us from Papa (sin), Tapa
(misery/ agony/ torment) bodily illnesses, mental agonies, poverty,
fears and sufferings. Hey Lord who saves us from difficulties, we
cannot see, locate any other saviour other than you hence ..
* Save us (deliver us, rescue us, extricate us) from awful, (hurtful,
painful) difficulties. We bow down unto you.
Hey God, we have no other Trata (protector) other than you, no other
Data (giver) nor
Bharta (Lord / Chief/ husband / master). You protect the ones, who
surrender unto you and you get rid of their sorrows. Hey Atreya (son
of Atri Rishi - Dattatreya) oblige us (Do Krupa on us) Oh Puranarate
(One who has no desires / desireless) and
* Save us (deliver us, rescue us, extricate us) from awful, (hurtful,
painful) difficulties. We bow down unto you.
Hey Akhilanandmurte Deva (one whose very nature is of complete joy)
grant us love towards Dharma, Bhakti, and good Buddhi
(thoughtprocess / power of descrimination). Grant us Satsang (company
of good people) Fulfill Bhakti our material needs and also grant us
Mukti (liberation) and give us deep attachment towards the pure
Bhakti. Fulfill all our desires.
* Save us (deliver us, rescue us, extricate us) from awful, (hurtful,
painful) difficulties. We bow down unto you.
All these five shokas (couplets) one who recites / chants regularly
with devotion, it will bring about (increase) Mangalam
(auspiciousness / good fortune) among people, (in the world) and he /
she who chants it will be very dear to the Lord Datta.
Thus the "Ghor-kashta - Uddharna Stotram" written by Shrimat,
Paramhansa, Parivrajakacharya, "Shrimad Vasudevanand Saraswati Swami"
is complete.
This is the experience that Bapu gave to Mr. Vijay Bhingarde at Ratnagiri from his own words.Bapu asked Mr. Vijay Bhingarde to stay at Ratnagiri from 18 th May 2001. Mr. Bhingarde has his own residence at Ratnagiri. From that day onwards Mr. Bhingarde had dreams of Bapu, Nandamata & Suchitdada.
At very early morning around 3.30 AM of Wednesday, 6 th June 2001, Bapu came to his dream. Bapu was talking with Mr. Bhingarde in a dream. Bapu put TILAK on his forehead. Suddenly Bapu changed his usual dress code to dress code of Lord Krishna. As we saw in Lord Krishna picture, Bapu was wearing the ornaments like Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna gave the best smile to Mr. Vijay Bhingarde.
Suddenly, Lord Krishna(Bapu) changed his look to Dattaguru. Dattaguru offered a Paduka and a Brick to Mr. Bhingarde. Dattaguru asked to establish Paduka at Karjat and a brick at Ratnagiri. Dattaguru told Mr. Bhingarde that the person who will pray in front of this Paduka & Brick all his wishes get fulfilled.
This all happened in dream.
Mr. Bhingarde woke up from his dream & feared some what. He also feels that there is somebody outside his residence. So he opened the door, he saw a well figured tall Sadhu ( like Vivekanand ) was standing outside the door. Due to poor light Mr. Bhingarde could not see his face clearly. But Mr. Bhingarde saw his mustache very clearly. Just by pointing the finger that Sadhu called Mr. Bhingarde nearer to him. Sadhu gave a Paduka & Brick from his ZOLI ( Carry Bag ). Mr. Bhingarde heared the echo sound of 'TATHASTU'. Just like that sound is comming from Bramhand.
Mr. Bhingarde just saw down at Paduka & a Brick then saw up to the Sadhu then that Sadhu disappeared.
Mr. Bhingarde returned back to his room & called his wife Vinita. Mr. Bhingarde was just shivering at that moment also. Vinitatai asked Vijaybhai regarding the TILAK at his forehead. Vijaybhai said that TILAK was put by Bapu in his dream. How it is possible then? Vinitatai came up with a mirror and Vijaybhai again surprized that there was a big TILAK on his forehead.
Mr. Bhingarde called his sister-in-law and they performed Bapu Upasana & Gajar & Arati.
After some time Mr. Bhingarde called Suchitdada & informed him regarding the whole episode.
On 6th June at around 12 noon from Mumbai, Bapu send around 25 bhaktas to Ratnagiri to take darshan of Paduka & Brick.
Nandamata asked Mr. Bhingarde to cultivate Tulsi Vrindavan at the place where that Sadhu was standing.
On Saturday 9th June 2001, all upasanas of Bapu were cancelled and asked to all bhaktas to participate in special welcome ceremony of Paduka at Juinagar.
At Juinagar, around 5 PM there was a grand procession to welcome Paduka of none other than Dattaguru nor Lord Krishna but of Lord Aniruddha Bapu. After the procession the Paduka was placed for darshan to all Bapu bhaktas. At the regular timing of Juinagar Temple there was arati and after that again darshan was open. Also the temple was open till that time.
I bow to the feet of that RADHA who’s NISHTHA (FAITH, SHRADDHA) is GATIMAN (speedy) and who has nishtha in speed and you can get speed by having nishtha on Her. We always do SUMIRAN (SMARAN, remembering) of some or other things. When we are in difficulty we automatically take HIS NAM without any break. In Schools we learn our poems or lessons, in day-to-day life we breathe in and breathe out, we eat our food. That means some muscle movements are going on. This indicates that KAL (Time) is a non-stop movement. It never happens that KAL has stopped. Hence till the KAL goes on there is always GATI with respect to KAL because originally GATI belongs to KAL only. GATI is created due to KAL and the power of KAL is GATI. GATI is dependent on KAL irrespective of it is progress or non progress. BHAGVAN stays beyond this KAL. Whatever thing happens that happens in the present tense and hence for the man the Present Tense should be larger. But the man is always either linked with the Future worries or the Past things. The man may be illiterate or educated knows that his life is related with these 3 tenses- Present, Past and Future. Bhagvan stays in ETERNAL PRESENT TENSE (SHASHWAT VARTMAN KAL). There is no past and future tense for Him. The PRESENT TENSE is situation of Bhagvan. HE never becomes old but still He is the oldest. The Past tense is related with the man and the future tense runs in front of the man. But Bhagvan is not tied with these KAL.
BAPU explained with an example that when a woman goes for her delivery, there are many relatives like her mother, mother-in-law, father, sister , husband accompanies her. When doctor says it may take 2 hours for delivery, then these relatives become impatient and they feel that how long are these 2 hours and as if the Time has stopped moving ahead. But when the nurse informs that woman has delivered a boy then these relatives become so busy in informing other relatives or friends this good news that even in late night they do not understand how time has passed away. This time they feel that time had moved faster than earlier occasion. BAPU explained with another example that when we meet our present boss and past boss in a incident then we wish our present boss first and then if required we greet past one. So these things show that relativity is dependent on my necessity. Man is selfish and necessity creates relativity.
For a child mother’s love is relative. In early child hood or till marriage mother’s love is best for him or her and after marriage it becomes a burden.
But Bhagvan does not have any necessity which man can fulfill. Bhagvan is same as He was earlier and He will be same as He is today. So there is no theory of relativity for HIM. When we see PUROHIT or Priest offers sweets or ornaments or rich clothes to Bhagvan that is not His necessity. We should think that is He hungry who fulfills the hunger of the entire Universe and only depends on the food we offer or clothes we provide or is HE becomes PURE only when we give BATH or ABHISHEK to HIM. HE does not require our bath to become PURE as HE is the only one who gives PURITY to every living being. BAPU said you have seen what things BABA (SAIBABA) had accepted in His 80years life. HE asked for alms Himself, He stitched His own clothes with His own hands; HE cleaned His place for living. Then BAPU Bhagvan may like Bhakti from us. No remember this thing that by devotion or Bhakti you will get your welfare. He Himself is ANAND SWAROOPA and He wants to distribute ANAND (JOY) to every Jeeva. Then BAPU this has become HIS necessity or need. BAPU said look here no man is completely happy. My devotion is not that strong but HE still supports me in every difficulty, He always pulls me out from muddy areas. HE is prefect and precise. So Bhagvan is beyond the limits of KAL, HE is not attached /joined with KAL and HE is not bound by the limits of KAL and hence also not bound by Gati. But BAPU we listen that when devotee calls him, He comes immediately flying on his Eagle. SO these rules become wrong. BAPU said this is not like the way you think. He explained that to move from one place man has to shift from one place to another. Suppose I call a boy and ask him to hand over a glass to Sadhanatai who is sitting in that corner, then that boy has to move from this place (near to me) to that place (near to Sadhanatai). Where is Gati possible? Gati is possible between 2 points. Disha (Direction) and Time (KAL) are 3 principles. But Disha does not mean only direction. BAPU said I am telling you about 2 different points. Suppose I am talking from this place and there are 2 Mike Amplifiers used to communicate my voice to other people sitting at other place. Though I am speaking here all people can listen my voice simultaneously. But if some one closes the amplifier or some one puts cotton balls in his eyes then my voice can’t reach to other people or that person. Bhagvan does not have Gati as HE is situated every where.
Bhagvan stays in the heart of Saint as well as in the heart of Raman Raghvan ( a famous murderer in Mumbai). But He is active in Saint’s heart while inactive in Raman Raghvan’s heart.
Bhagvan (HE) is omnipotent everywhere and there is no need for Him to go from one place to another place. HE himself is present every where. We describe Him as –
BHAV means the SANSAR i.e. the materialistic world. Bhagvan protects me as soon as I remember Him. He is SMARAN MATRA SANTUSHTAY. He is pleased and blesses you only by remembering Him. He does not have DISHA and KAL barriers and such Bhagvan’s beloved and SAHACHARI’S (who always stays with HIM) name is GATINISHTHAYAI. Bhagvan never goes anywhere. He is not Gatisheel, as He is present everywhere. But at the same time He is also not Gatihin (who does not have Gati)
BAPU explained with example of Saisaccharit that Dasganu wanted to visit Prayag to have darshan of Sangam where GANGA and YAMUNA and SARAWATI meets together and SAIBABA does not allow him to got to Prayag. SAIBABA asked him if he really has faith then he can get darshan at Shirdi itself. Then when Dasganu bowed at the feet of SAIBABA, he saw that GANAGA and YAMUNA are flowing from SAIBABA’S feet. BAPU asked that time from where the GANGA and YAMUNA came? They came from the same place at the feet of SAIBABA. HE IS not SAPEKSHA. HE IS ETERNAL (SHASWAT). Bhagvan is eternal and His SAKHI, His beloved SAKHI RADHA is GATINISHTHAYAI. She believes in NISHTHA (FAITH) which gives Gati. She offers NISHTHA to the devotee so that worries of Past and Future should not harass him. RADHA has only one GATI – the opposite GATI of DHARA (FLOW). We JEEVATMA are the fraction of Bhagvan only and MAYA creates the distance between Bhagvan and us. RADHA is only ultimate one who offers and enhances GATI. All Pantha say that ANTE MATIHI SA GATI. The man gets rebirth as his thoughts are in the last moment. BAPU then what about the persons who are in coma? They are unconscious. BAPU replied that this is not death. The birth is given depending on the thoughts at the last moment of the death. We will get GATI as our thoughts are.
We are standing on the divider of the road to cross it and vehicles are passing on. Whenever we try to cross the road, vehicles come across and we go back to divider again. But some times there is no point of return means we can neither move in forward and nor in backward direction. Such point of no return comes in life also. Due to wrong direction, wrong GATI, wrong KAL, wrong speed we cannot move in right direction. So this RADHAJI is the one who sends us back again and again from this point of no return. SHE always wants that no one should reach point of no return. But in spite of Her efforts, Kansa, Ravan, Duryodhan, Karan reached this point of no return in their lives.
Bhagvan never wants that you should be sad or worried. RADHA only wants Her beloved Husband’s joy and that’s why She has NISHTHA that all people should be happy. She creates NISHTHA in people’s GATI and gives GATI to these people’s NISHTHA. So these Rishi have named Her as GATINISHTHAYAI.
BAPU what is use of knowing all these things to us? BAPU told that He does not have things of time pass. He tells us only which is PRACTICAL.
BAPU said again we would see the same example of road crossing. If we directly enter in the road without looking at the vehicles, some vehicle will hit us. So first we have to reach up to signal or a divider while crossing the road. If we can’t cross the road in between then we should have patience (SABURI) to wait for some time till the line of vehicles end. But does that mean that we should wait till night 12 o’clock to end the line of vehicles? But SABURI does not mean not to do any thing and only wait for positive thing to happen. SABURI means I should walk the distance till the time it is UCHIT for me. BAPU again explained that if my age is 70 years then I should not take risk of hanging in the door while traveling through a train though I have traveled in same way before 25 years during my service. I was traveling in same manner before 25 years but I should not travel today at age of 70 years. If I want SAFETY then I must have SABURI. Either I should go to V.T. (terminus of the railway from where the train starts) or I should travel when there will be no crowd. BAPU said again he will continue with the example of road crossing. If I have to cross the road and the signal is away from the place I have to cross the road then I must go to that signal to cross the road so as to avoid the accident. That may be in the opposite direction of my traveling and the destination building may be from the place of crossing and I have to travel in opposite direction again to reach the destination. But that time we never blame Bhagvan, Police Inspector or that Signal. We blame ourselves that if I would have asked some person then this wastage of time might be avoided. Here I curse my mistake and myself.
BAPU said the same thing happens in the life but here we curse BHAGVAN. We never ask expert people to guide us when we don’t know further road. The fear is created in the mind and we loose peace of mind and we get wrong GATI. That means the REBIRTH concept has arrived. Again the same signal, same walking and the man keep on walking on the wrong road as he never asks or does not like to ask the experts. The SAINTS are these experts or INDICATION Boards.
BAPU said I am not a big man who can give you big discourse. I am not SAINT also. I do not have any signs or symbols of ADHYATMA (SPIRITUALISM). I don’t have any GANDHA, any RUDRAKSHA MAL. I don’t wear BHAGVA VASTRA (Saffron clothes which normally Sadhu wears). So I am not SADHU also. I wear a golden chain, which my grandmother offered me with intense love. I wear shirt and pant. I talk on mobile phone. I drive the car and in old days I used to drive bike. I see movies like you. I have taken admission in NAIYAR College and done proper registration and I have passed out my M.B.B.S. exam. Like Bhagvan I don’t have any EAGLE, any chariot or even I don’t have any bed (GADDI). So there is no SPIRITUAL SIGN with this BAPU.
BAPU said I eat chicken. So BAPU does not have any symbols or signs of SPIRITUALISM with HIM.
HE further said HE wants to love and HE will surely love irrespective of whether you love HIM or you do not love HIM. BAPU told some days before some very big authorities of Spiritualism field took meeting and they wanted to find out how this BAPU has thousands of Volunteers with HIM. They made survey. They thought BAPU might be giving money to these people. But no, it was noticed by them that there was no money offered to these volunteers. Volunteers eat food with their own money. Then the people thought BAPU might be offering some PRASAD where some thing (AFOO) must be mixed in PRASAD to cheat them or to hypnotize them. But here - there is no thing like PRASAD. What they found then? BAPU sometimes gives bad words or curses these people in His discourse also.
Finally BAPU said there question is still there why so many Volunteers go to BAPU remains unanswered and they will never get answer for this.
BAPU said that they will never find any SPIRITUALISM SIGN with me. HE further told I do not have any SIDDHI. Neither any CHAKRA moves around My head not any LIGHT comes out from My head. BAPU said even I have declared with My OWN Signature (in SHRIMADPURUSHARTHA) that I am not any incarnation of Bhagvan. BAPU said even in My 3rd October’s discourse I declared that I am DEVIL (RAKSHAS). You can call me whatever you want to call me. Is BAPU a SAINT? No, not at all, BAPU is not a SAINT. BAPU is not SADHU. Yes! BAPU is SANDHI SADHU!(who takes benefits of the opportunities). Is BAPU a gentle man? No, BAPU is not a gentle man! You ask my BAL students, once all 103 students stood in one side holding one bamboo and opposite side only BAPU was there but still they can’t pull THIS OLD MAN. Then BAPU is DURJAN (BAD MAN)? How much BAPU is DURJAN? Then who is BAPU? If you want to know SAIT, then DYANESHWAR, MEERABAI, SAINT AADAL was SAINTS.
This BAPU shows only HIS finger (to guide you). Even after that you don’t listen HIM then HE will push you or HE will make you fall by entangling your leg with HIS leg. HE will also laugh when you will fall. HE takes care that even though you are hurt or wounded, you should not go on wrong road. BAPU knows very well that HE has to pull your ear when it is required and not later. But only one condition is there and that is YOU SHOULD HAVE COMPLETE TRUST (VISHWAS) ON ME. In MARATHI, BAPU is called to your elder brother. But in my case no, since My childhood, My Grandmother called me lovingly BAPU.
BAPU said I will surely bring the person on the right road who has complete TRUST on me, even if he thinks that is wrong road for him and for this purpose I am ready to listen however bad words or curse you may give me. BAPU said I have the greatest EGO (AHANKAR) with me but I ask you to give up that same EGO.
Throw away all such matters in the dustbin that WHO I (BAPU) AM? What is BAPU? I am as it is I am. But this BAPU is MINE! When you have this TRUST then even if the entire world is standing opposite to you or the whole world is cursing you, giving you bad words I (BAPU) will stand with you. NO DISHA (DIRECTION) and NO TIME (KAL) can bind me so far till today. I don’t know why? But this is the fact. I am bound with RADHA only. My entry in any direction (DISHA) and in any KAL is unavoidable.
You want magic from ME in today’s life. But the whole life passes away behind this magic. If I say in moment I will give you birth, in next moment I will offer your marriage and in next moment you will become 80 years old then is this preferred by you? Certainly not! RUT is the rules through which this Universe or the world is ruled. But these rules of RUT are not dry rules, they are purely love oriented. RUT means all the things that happen in the world. Behind every magic there is a scientific fact hidden. The human being (man) is bound with DISHA and KAL but Bhagvan is not bound.
We see the ray of light travels in different medium but it changes its direction as per medium. But BHAGVAN is not bound with this change. The man who wants to accept from BHAGVAN is bound with the DISHA and KAL. So there are 2 possibilities in this case that either the man should go to Bhagvan to accept things by breaking the limitations of DISHA and KAL. But this is not possible to the man as it is a possible only for SAINTS. You are not SAINTS. So the other possibility is that the man should go in that direction of DISHA and KAL from where the rays of HIS grace are coming to us.
BAPU said MY MEDIUM is totally different.
BAPU said if the man tries to become good man , he tries to change his life in good manner, he wants to become strong then BAPU will surely go in that man’s direction and give him the UCHIT things for him irrespective of whether you want or you do not want.
BAPU said I am not a showpiece. So don’t request people to come and see me. I am not a thing to be told or to be communicated.
The SUN rises and sets off and there is no need of ADVERTISEMENT for that.
I decide that man’s GATI who has TRUST on me. You can’t pass away (death) until there is MY STAMP on your Passport is signed. This 108% sure that your coming (birth) and your going (death) is in My hands.
I have come for the same purpose and I am not going to be avoided very soon. I will go away but after that 2500 years I will come again. So I will give UCHIT DISHA and GATI to every one before I pass away.
To take darshan on GURUPOORNIMA day is very different. You want to call me GURU , you can, you want to call me a friend, you can. But remember the one thing that whether you want or you do not want your life’s GATI is in MY HANDS.
I have come to this earth due to RADHA’S PRAYAS (efforts and PRAYAS are different). Due to HER PRAYER, HER REQUEST I have come to distribute JOY and HAPPINESS. JOY never becomes less by distributing. If I want I can give 100 Rupees to every one. But that is not important. The LIFE’S GATI is IMPORTANT. This should not be BLIND GATI. You have to take turn from where you must take turn. We can see from the map that while traveling to MUMBAI we have to take many turns. This is fact in case to reach a physical destination like MUMBAI then think of how many times you should change your DISHA , DIRECTION to reach to HIM. Not only DISHA but some times you might have to change your VEHICLE also. Sometimes you have to take BOAT, some times helicopter, i.e you have to change your GATI through your vehicle. I don’t know which river or which mountain will come across me, so I should catch HIS hand that knows this well.
BAPU said that I never leave your hand once you give it to me to hold. But I catch his hair who leaves my hand or my finger.
Now you have to decide whether you will catch MY FINGER or I should catch your hair.